Saturday, December 16, 2006

Counting down

Well, it looks like we'll actually be winging home on Tuesday due to administrative delays. No worries - just more paperwork that had to be generated.

Chris hit another milestone yesterday - they removed the n.g. feeding tube. As usual, differences of opinion abounded - one doc said it would be okay to just take it out, another recommended replacing it with another kind of tube, a third said it should absolutely stay in because it wouldn't be easy to put in a replacement. And, as usual, none of them were talking to each other to explain their reasoning, so the nursing staff had no idea how to proceed. I asked the speech therapist if she could get the opposing parties on the phone to talk it out, and apparently they decided that Chris was eating well enough that they could take it out. He still can't handle liquids, though, so they are giving him IV fluids.

Having that thing out of his nose made an immediate difference in how well Chris was able to swallow. He ate more than half of his delicious pureed beef dinner, and all of the strawberry yogurt I brought in. It's also helping his speech some, especially with nasal sounds. M's and n's are clearer now.

The docs continue to be amazed at how fast Chris is recovering from his massive injury. The neurosurgeon, the one who had said the prognosis was grim when he completed the surgery, says Chris is WAY ahead of the curve. Let's all just continue to pray that Chris stays on this path, with no major detours, so that he will be able to come home soon.


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